
February 27, 2010

Review: Desperate Housewives S06E15 - Lovely

Introducing a new character into the group, 'Lovely' is certainly a good way to go. But the episode leaves you wondering how much of it all was relevant.

Robin The Stripper starts stirring things up on Wisteria Lane now she has moved in to Susan's place. Everybody seems to be looking at her, but the way they do various from man to woman. The episode shows us segments how the five housewives are affected by the arrival of the blonde, and it offers up stories that build on story line, but not so much character.
In the second half of the season, Desperate Housewives is looking forward and the episode definitely steps up the game. Danny and Anna's relationship is speeding up, while Katherine is getting her own, if not terribly played out, story line and Orson and Bree get some much needed intimate time. But what continues on to be the strong suit of the show is Susan and Mike bordering the lines of do's and don'ts, while Lynette and Tom are being their down to earth couple the way we know it. It's what keeps the crazy story lines, the forced conversations and the somewhat weird interactions of neighbors (the segments of Robin in the lives of the housewives are very much separate of each other, leaving to wonder what the housewives do when someone else has a story line), bearable. At the end of the day, Tom still wonders what every man wonders at some point, and Lynette faces what every housewife has to. It proves that this show hasn't changed a bit, and that's exactly what makes it so entertaining. Only downside of the episode is that it could've been a much more compelling episode had the different segments worked in a greater design. Is Robin just another character that will move in and out of the Lane in a couple of weeks, or is this episode-defining character here to stay?

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