
November 3, 2011

Grimm S01E01 - Pilot

The show starts with a wonderfully recognizable scene that ends quite shockingly. It sets the tone for the show perfectly. It's fantastical and full of references but it's mainly grim.
The introduction of the show's detective couple works rather against me. I hate to think in stereotypes but I can't help it. The black cop is, unfortuntely, characterless. He cracks some jokes but falls short of helping our protagonist or even believing in him. Not to say our lead is interesting. He wants to propose to his girl and has a good eye but through out the rest of the episode he remains functional opposed to actually likable.
The story these characters serve, however, is good enough. Starting with the famous Red Riding Hood tale, Grimm seems to want to tackle every story the brothers wrote and put it in a contemporary setting. And though it was very easy to choose for a child/molestor setting, it worked. But more importantly, it gave us the episode's best character. The werewolf wasn't introduced very naturally (he first attacked and later invited our lead in for a drink) but his flaws, his intention to do good and his fear of being compromised made him very interesting. I actually want to see more of him than anything else.
The main problem of Grimm is that it tried to serve the audience more than anything else. Instead of focusing on characters or explaining the plot, the show went out of its way to have fight scenes, scary faces or shocking shots in it. Most of which weren't necessary for anything. Much of why the Grimm descendants should die isn't explained, for example.
I'm not extremely interested in how the show pans out but even with a bad execution, Grimm still has one of the best concepts of any crime show out there. So I might turn back in, this week. How about you?

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