
October 11, 2011

2 Broke Girls S01E04 - And The Rich People Problems

The one where they became friends.
After three episodes of pointing out exactly how different from each other and how poor Max and Caroline are, the two find common ground as Max reveals to be quite the diva too, if she gets the tools.
One of the worst parts about the episode was the over-exagguration of a scene in which the girls tried to find a cheap dentist. With bulletholes and a guy only screaming out of agony when no one was talking the scene itself felt as cheap as it was supposed to portray. It was almost as if we walked onto the set of a '90s sitcom and we had to witness the death of comedy. I could've tuned out right then and there but I'm awfully glad I didn't.
Because what came afterwards was some actual sincerity. Not only was it good to see where Caroline came from but it was also fun to see the roles being switched around. Suddenly Max was in a place where she wasn't comfortable in or familiar with and she had to adapt. I might be reading too much into the story but I thought it was quite nice to see the two actually did have stuff in common.
It might just be the part of me that has a weakness for grown ups dancing around like they are twelve but the scene, as sweet as it was, worked for me. What worked even better for me was that Max actually showed some respect for Caroline and that the girls crossed some nice boundaries to make up for the fact that they actually are poor. "Show don't tell" right? You can have characters proclaim that they are poor all you want but without the desperate actions to go along with it, I'm not buying it.
But here you have it, I bought it and I'm cool with it. Can't wait for the 2 Broke Girls to become even better friends.

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