
October 29, 2011

Grey's Anatomy S08E07 - Put Me In, Coach

How awesomely character-driven was this episode, huh? I thought it was just stand-out. The fast-pace with numerous story lines kept the episode fresh while every single character had something going on. A tough concept but it worked.
Grey's Anatomy has grown a lot over the years and now it feels even more soapy than it did all those years ago. But somehow I like this version of the show. It's comfortable, cozy and most of all enjoyable. This episode had some drama but it was packed in such an enjoyable, social package that it hardly stood out. Yet it was that same underlying tone of drama that made the episode so good.

Where to start, I don't know. Because there were like a bagillion things going on. Mark was suddenly dating, Lexie suddenly cared, Derek was pissed about something though I couldn't figure out what and Hunt was just trying to piece together a soft ball game. What, with the lack of exploding ferry's the doctors had enough time to play some ball.
I liked how there was no real introduction necessary for Mark's flirt. No one thinks it's going to last and it's hardly a question how Mark got to score a date so I'm glad the writer's left that part out. Instead we got to enjoy jealous Lexie and, consequently, an angry Jackson. That last story was done in just a few shots which was so subtle it made my head hurt. It left me begging for more which will probably be given next week.
I also like how Hunt is suddenly so much more in the picture. I thought becoming Chief would make him dull but he's even more important than he was before. And Richard is more fun, which leads to me liking him for the first time in eight years.
But the best part of the episode was the Bailey/Meredith clash. I've been waiting for it to happen but I didn't think it actually would. It was terrific though. I can't wait for these two core characters to start bickering over lab mice.
But the BEST part (I'm losing my credibility, no?) of the episode was the team spirit. When Hunt was giving his speech the camera looked around and I thought 'I love each and every one of these characters, except that random dude behind Mark, does he even work at Seattle Grave?'. I think it's pretty admirable for any show to have this big of a cast, balance out stories for all of them without feeling cluttered and making your audience love them. Or maybe I'm just an easy lay, who knows.
All I want to say, wonderful episode. Loved it. Can't wait for more.

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