
November 1, 2011

How I Met Your Mother S07E08 - The Slutty Pumpkin Returns

How I Met Your Mother is quickly becoming that show I love but can't get rid of while it shamelessly waltzes over my heart. Every. Week.
I don't know why I even bother to get invested in any of the stories this show puts in front of me. It's certainly not for the laughs that, these days, rarely occur, and not for the characters, who start to feel like they come from a Hannah Barbara show. So why hope that a descent guest star and the revisitation of an old, familiar and slightly nostalgic story would straighten things out?

As far as the last part goes, How I Met Your Mother is a solid player for nostalgia. Often it seems to be the only card this show has left to pull. So when they decided to bring back The Slutty Pumpkin, it was the perfect opportunity to score some points. But instead, they ruined it. 
On one side the story was rightfully executed. There really wasn't any other way The Slutty Pumpkin could have come back into Ted's life and have that story end. She isn't the mother and she never was. So to turn the story of Ted finding her into an awkward relationship was right. But why did it have to be so damn cartoonesque? 
Points have to be rewarded for revisiting the entire relationship later on. Seeing how Katie Holmes' pumpkin went through the same awkward relationship as Ted did brought back some respect to the show. The chemistry just wasn't there. But of course, for comedy sake, we had to sit through the better part of the half-hour thinking Ted was stuck with this too-flat-to-be-true character. I have to admit, seeing it from the Pumpkin's side (did she even have name?) added a must needed layer to all of it. But we still had to go through Ted being an absolute coward and raping the definition of "I love you". Again. 
I absolutely hate this Ted. I have hated him a lot over the length of the show but always related to the romantic guy that just tried to find the mother of his children. Now he just keep messing up relationships, if you would call them that, with beautiful girls for the no apparent reason. And his fifteen year-old self has to come visit to get him to bone random chicks? Classic. And if hating him wasn't enough, the writers have to make him promise that the next girl will be the one. As if we can trust them. 
Meanwhile Lily was in a pregnant haze or something, that was slightly funny but, again, only for the sake of being funny. But at the end she wasn't in that haze...or something. I didn't quite get it, but it was another suburbs versus city conversation. Oh, and Barney is Canadian. Because there was a chance that was funnier than when Cartman discovered he was part ginger. 
Truth be told, I only still watch this show because of my roommate. But all of the characters are stuck in a story that shouldn't be told anymore. Let's meet that mother and be done with it. Because when episodes become this easy to swallow the show has lost all connection to the smart, witty version it once was.

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