
March 5, 2010

Review: The Office S06E16: The Delivery

You've waited, you've hoped, you've wanted, and now it's finally time. The Office baby is a fact! Jim and Pam were happy to welcome their first child this week in 'The Delivery' which was a lot of obstacles, an unhealthy long time before going to the hospital, the possibility of another baby and the birth of a matchmaker. It was the show at it's best.

In the episode, we find out what the baby's sex is before it is born and wait an excruciating long time before the event can actually take place. But everything in the name of comedy. Pam doesn't want to deliver before midnight so they can have an extra night at the hospital for free, but as the day goes by, labor draws closer. Meanwhile Dwight wants more sales than Jim and is positive he found the exact way to get there. In light of Jam's big day, Michael thinks he's the best person to set up couples, and so he matches Erin with the one guy he thinks fits her best.

For the fans, which I don't really qualify for but still, it was the episode they could've only dreamed of. Nostalgia moments were only short of flashbacks (which we already saw at the wedding) and there was actually a certain realism to 'The Delivery'. Jokes were poked, hilarious situations ensued, but the feelings were real, and that's what gave the episode strength. Meanwhile, at the office, there was plenty of distractions that kept the concept fresh for a two-part episode. Dwight got a lot of great scenes and we're still working on that Erin/Andy relationship.

An episode and a delivery to remember, because eventhough pregnancies are as played out by TV as weddings and funerals, there's an never-ending load of endearement when the baby finally comes. Prepare to say "aaww".

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