
April 3, 2010

Which long-term couple is your absolute favorite?

For the past month, you have been able to vote for your favorite long-term couple on the air right now. Forget those short flings, random hookups and will-they won't-they couples that never become any more than just that, we're talking true love, always and forever, by church, law or post-it, these couples are destined for one another. Here are the results of your absolute favorite long-term couple...

5. Jim & Pam on The Office
The couple that basically defined the "will-they or won't-they" escaped the concept and chose for "they will". Now, six years into their romance, they married and got a baby. But their happiness is just a bonus, because what makes Jam work is their quick-wit, complaining about their co-workers and being the only normal two in the entire office we can relate with. Their wedding and the delivery scored ratings highs for the series and proves that even though we enjoy Michael & co, Jim and Pam rule the office in a way only few can.

4. Meredith & Derek on
Grey's Anatomy
It took them four years, but after dealing with ex-wives, vets, sex at prom and an awkward near-death experience, MerDer is here to stay. Living together, dreaming about a big house and the possibility of having a kid, it's all possible now that these two finally settled down and took their love to the church, only to leave for a post-it. What makes them work? Well, not complaining about how they want to be together but can't helps.

3. Homer & Marge on The Simpsons
21 years is an unheard of time to be together. Well, technically they don't age so all the seasons we watched how Homer messes up, how Marge gets tired of it, how they dislike each other, have fights, arguments, disagreements and problems, but at the end of the day realize they absolutely can't live without each other, don't count. But who cares about timelines when you have a dysfunctional couple like that who after two decades still manage to surprise each other. That's true love, unbeatable.

2. Marshall & Lily on How I Met Your Mother
Marshmellow and Lilypad have been together since college, and even though they left for Paris, kissed Amanda Peet and stuck through Ted's s*cky love life, they are meant to be. Two years into the show they got married, later they bought an apartment and we're pretty sure a baby is in sight too. Not that it matters, because these two love each other unconditionally and are probably the only couple that can be THAT mushy with each other and still be bearable for singles. Plus, with many, many flashforwards, we've already seen how they grow old together. Yep, these two are solid!

1. Allison & Joe on Medium
Beating out number 2 with just a couple of days, these two are as solid as any relationship can be. No bs with love triangles, divorces, past boy/girlfriends or any thing like that. They have three lovely daughters, each other and a couple of dead bodies once a week. It's what makes marriage work. Away from all the crazy going on in the hills, the DuBois prove that a normal family can exist under even the weirdest circumstances. Changing jobs, breakfast and girls growing up, these two face it, without any complaint and the confidence that they'll be eachothers go-to in every hour of the night. And then we haven't even touched upon their lack of sleep!

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