It's official; True Blood is going to be released in comic form. The popular show by Alan Ball, centering around a little town filled with vampires, murderers, questionable morals and very good looking people, is coming to a comic book store near you on July 21st.
The vampire franchise already contains the original books by Charlaine Harris and a succesful TV show, which is prepping for it's third season this summer. The comic books will be tied to the TV-show in a very special way, without repeating the stories already told.
Co-plotted by series creator Alan Ball, the David Tischman and Mariah Heuhner comics will still focus on Sookie and her freaky friends and all the blood, sex and violence that comes along. But the first issue, for example, will take place on a rainy night at Merlotte's when the gang is trapped by a vengeful spirit who feeds on shame. People die and secrets will be revealed.
The art is by David Messina who will also deliver a pullout gatefold poster along every issue. True Blood: A Comic You Can Sink your Teeth Into! hits the stands in July and is available for pre-order in HBO's online store.
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