
November 11, 2011

Grey's Anatomy S08E09 - Dark Was The Night

Grey's Anatomy is here again. After more than a year of healing we are here again, in that moment where everything can go wrong, where no character is safe from pain or destruction and viewers are doomed to do nothing else but sit and watch. The show is at its best in those moments. But for our emotional well being, it's probably best those moments don't come around every week.
The episode starts off pretty dark with the news that Zola won't be completing Meredith's happy family. It all happens through brief conversations so the impact is minimal, but Meredith's attitude for the remainder of the hour sticks. She did put herself out there for a child and now she's lost it. This woman knows pain.
But she isn't alone. Soon enough another woman will know pain too. Henry is going into surgery and Teddy is fixing mistakes Callie and Jackson made, so Cristina is unknowingly doing the procedure. It makes up for excellent drama as Cristina is being her indifferent self and carelessly witnesses how Henry is slipping away. The tension built there and the horror that arises when Cristina finds out is powerful. It's drama from such a strong level that it's easy to forget how often Shonda Rhimes and her team have put her characters through this. Denny DuQuette has a new buddy.
Another melo-dramatic plot expands as Alex and Meredith are sitting in an ambulance slash timebomb in the middle of the road with a dying newborn while Derek and Arizona are listening on the phone. You prepare for the worst but even that's not good enough. Of course Rhimes went there of course I find myself wondering if there really is a possibility that Alex will meet his end or that the ambulance is going to exploid. This show presents a case, prepares you for what could go wrong, gives you hope and pulls the rug right under you. You do not stand a chance.
And so another moving episode comes to a close, where characters found new issues or faced familiar ones that aren't any easier. And with winter break at our front door, viewers are just left picking up the pieces, of their TV loving self.

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