
October 7, 2011

The Vampire Diaries S03E04 - Disturbing Behavior

Never has the show been so aware of its ridiculous twists, its unbelievably stupid characters and yet mind blowing storytelling.
The Vampire Diaries is delicious in every way. I love that most of the time it's unpredictable and fresh while respecting the characters. But it can also be over-the-top, fast-paced and will make you go like "whut ?!" at least five times an episode. This week we were treated to a new approach: self-awareness.

Because in my eyes this was the first time the show treated the death of a character so lightly as it did now. Rick's neck being snapped was nothing like Jeremy in 'The Return' and the show knew this. One step ahead of every critic claiming this show was repetitive, The Vampire Diaries didn't even bother to pretend Rick wasn't coming back to life or that his death was even a big issue. Instead, it was used as a clever story ploy that launched one character right into politics. 
But that was hardly everything that was going down. Caroline was back to her gossipy, cheery self, which is incredible considering her own father tortured her this very week. No worries though, Caroline is a tough chick. What, between sexing with a werewolf and kicking Damon Salvatore's behind? No, for real, that scene was probably the best of this entire season. Even Elena getting thrown into a river can't trump Caroline jumping in and giving every action hero a serious run for his money when it comes to quotations by replying to Damon's argument that he was stronger with: "but I'm angrier". Love! 
In other tough chick saving the day news: Katherine is baaack. Sure she never left but this week she actually did stuff. I love her too. I can't choose who to love more. Caroline is so thirty-demensional while Katherine is just plain wicked. Anyway, Stefan failed enormously while trying to be a manipulative B-word, so his old flame swooped right back in. 
I liked Stefan's story this week. No I'll wait while you re-install your jaw. I liked him because the secret of him playing a game was actually up for grabs. I had a hard time believing someone as old as Klaus (wisdom comes with age, no?) would fall for the horrible lies Stefan spits out. Too bad it had to be uncovered by the dumbest witch ever. Not only did she need a blonde bimbo to tell her how to find a missing item that belonged to someone in that same room for a 1,000 years she also couldn't torture someone without having their shirt torn off. Since, you know, touching someone's soul works better close to the heart. Wait, does a vampire even have a soul? Are gingers vampires? Wait, I'm lost.
All joking aside, I thought the episode was absolutely stand out. We moved past some very annoying side-stories that could've been stretched out for weeks. Elena's attracting to Damon was pointed out, Caroline's dad is gone, Rick stepped up as guardian or whatever he is,Damon sweetly stated the real issue between him and Elena (chills), Bonnie came back and added nothing and Tyler's only scene involved nudity. 
But the true kicker of the week goes to Jeremy. Not only was the chemistry between him and Anna off the charts but it also made me realize it was chemistry between dead people. Anna is really dead and stuck on the other side (how sick was the scene where she begged Jer to not turn away from her?) but Jeremy is, imo, dead too. Bonnie (as she blurred out like she was remembering the groceries) brought him back to life by magic. Not by feeding him fuel (vampire blood) or kickstarting his heart (every hospital show ever) but by a spell and ancient magic. By the last remaining laws of life and death that the show hasn't kicked down, Jeremy is not a normal living person. It makes me very much afraid that he won't last long, unless I'm misinterpreting the story. Either way it touched upon a very moving core story: what is left of the human inside?
Caroline said she was OK, but was made clear she was a vampire. Vampires aren't humans and will therefor not be OK in the way humans could be. AlaRick pointed out that even though they are family and friends, they are not human and they don't live by our rules. So what is Jeremy? What did this episode's theme try to tell us? I don't know, but it was SO SO good. 

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