
March 12, 2010

Katherine Heigl to scrub out of Grey's Anatomy

At least, that's the latest from Aussiello who reports that Katherine Heigl is thisclose to exit her contract with the show. Heigl, who has played Izzie Stevens for six years, took time off from the show to shoot a movie and spend time with her new daughter, but by the looks of it, she's never coming back.

Heigl has wanted to get out of her contract with ABC for quit a while now, following a series of public outings against creator Shonda Rhimes, her long work days and colleagues. From all the drama that goes on at TV's juiciest set, Heigl was responsible for at least half. So if anything, ABC wouldn't worry too much about losing the woman who gave the publicists a lot of overtime. So where's the problem?
Izzie. Heigl claimed she loved playing her, and Rhimes certainly wasn't ready to let her off, after almost killing her last season finale, but bringing her back only to get her fired and break up with on/off relationship with Alex. Word was that, after taking off a couple of months to stay home with her new adopted daughter and shoot a movie, Heigl was expected to return to Grey's on March 1st. She didn't. And as the season draws to a close, she's not expected to make a return this season and when her contract ends, never again. So story lines with Izzie are likely to end the way E.R. perfected; mentioned in a brief conversation without ever looking back.

It's not exactly a surprise since Heigl became one of the five most paid actresses after her success with 'Knocked Up' and other comedies, but to happen it this way? Personally, I'm saddend that Izzie (and Alex) will never get a proper ending, but it certainly was predictable. What about you? Sad you'll probably never see Alex and Izzie together? Happy you're finally rid of Heigl?

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