
September 17, 2011

90210 S04E01 - Up In Smoke

The show has lost itself in all of its drama and none of the characters seem worth the ride anymore.
The gang has left high school behind but it hardly feels any different. Instead of going new places and accepting new challenges they all return to their ridiculous behavior and boring lifestyle. Excuse me when I say that my major problem with the episode was Naomi's party. Who would even stay there? A bonfire in which you can burn the past? Yawn. Waiters with sushi and branches at the door? What?! Not even talking about the DJ that wasn't playing anything memorable and somehow sensed he should stop as someone outside wanted to propose.
Propose? Why, yes, because Liam's soul sailing has led him to believe he should marry Annie. So he buys a ring and says let's do it. The second time around he actually tries and even then the show manages to dethrone the definition of Awkward with Annie saying no. Who knew that after all these years Annie would be the one with the sane brain? Because everyone else has certainly lost it. Naomi is not pregnant, luckily, so she can resort to flirting with half naked men. So refreshing and interesting, if you ask me. Meanwhile Silver and Navid have become the parents of Navid's sisters. A story line that turned too dull too fast. If only Adrianna was here to throw in a loop or something. Not that she's not there, she's just really trying to be good. Like anyone wants to see that. Dixon actually has stuff going on too. It was surprising to me how often he was on screen and with how many characters he interacted with. But since he's not going to college he traded his five minutes of dynamic for good 'ol stupidity.
  90210 had become my go to guilty pleasure because it was ridiculous, but ridiculously good. Now it's just the same stuff done by people who don't ever seem to grow up or learn from other people's mistakes. As if all ties to any kind of realism have been cut, save for Ivy who remains awesome, everyone wants everything everywhere and no one has a clue what they are doing. I am disappointed in the premiere in so many ways. It wasn't entertaining, it wasn't memorable. It was just a wake up call for me that, unlike these kids, I actually have changed over the summer.
Goodbye zip code, hello world.

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