Starting off the season the group of survivors from the Season 1 explosion find themselves stuck on the highway. When one of them is lost they decide to reside on a farm in the neighborhood so they can continue looking.
November 29, 2011
The Walking Dead - Season 2
Starting off the season the group of survivors from the Season 1 explosion find themselves stuck on the highway. When one of them is lost they decide to reside on a farm in the neighborhood so they can continue looking.
November 23, 2011
How To Make It In America - Season 2
The second season of the youth's guideline to success is as promising and positive as it's characters' hopes and dreams. Besides endless optimism and ambition, the show supplies a sufficient stream of drama, comedy and underground feel that makes it stand out from the crowd.
November 14, 2011
The 5 Best New Ships You Need To Board
Let me say that I really didn't want to care about ships anymore. Writers seem too aware of their abilities and often leave fans hanging for the sake of hanging rather than the sake of romance. Yet, somehow, these news ships looked pretty enough to start caring for and several episodes later I find myself with banners and matching T-shirts watching these shows, cheering whenever these couples share a scene. I present to you: the best new couples of the fall and why you should ship them too:
November 11, 2011
Grey's Anatomy S08E09 - Dark Was The Night
Grey's Anatomy is here again. After more than a year of healing we are here again, in that moment where everything can go wrong, where no character is safe from pain or destruction and viewers are doomed to do nothing else but sit and watch. The show is at its best in those moments. But for our emotional well being, it's probably best those moments don't come around every week.
The episode starts off pretty dark with the news that Zola won't be completing Meredith's happy family. It all happens through brief conversations so the impact is minimal, but Meredith's attitude for the remainder of the hour sticks. She did put herself out there for a child and now she's lost it. This woman knows pain.
But she isn't alone. Soon enough another woman will know pain too. Henry is going into surgery and Teddy is fixing mistakes Callie and Jackson made, so Cristina is unknowingly doing the procedure. It makes up for excellent drama as Cristina is being her indifferent self and carelessly witnesses how Henry is slipping away. The tension built there and the horror that arises when Cristina finds out is powerful. It's drama from such a strong level that it's easy to forget how often Shonda Rhimes and her team have put her characters through this. Denny DuQuette has a new buddy.
Another melo-dramatic plot expands as Alex and Meredith are sitting in an ambulance slash timebomb in the middle of the road with a dying newborn while Derek and Arizona are listening on the phone. You prepare for the worst but even that's not good enough. Of course Rhimes went there of course I find myself wondering if there really is a possibility that Alex will meet his end or that the ambulance is going to exploid. This show presents a case, prepares you for what could go wrong, gives you hope and pulls the rug right under you. You do not stand a chance.
And so another moving episode comes to a close, where characters found new issues or faced familiar ones that aren't any easier. And with winter break at our front door, viewers are just left picking up the pieces, of their TV loving self.
November 8, 2011
How I Met Your Mother S07E09 - Disaster Averted
This was actually one of the best episodes of the so-so season for How I Met Your Mother. Kevin remained in the background where he belonged and we were actually locked up with the gang, the way it should be.
Gossip Girl S05E06 - I Am Number Nine
But let's get all the clutter out of the way first. Because there certainly was a lot of during the hour.
November 7, 2011
Pan Am S01E07 - Romance Languages
The Walking Dead S02E04 - Cherokee Rose
Another episode that has some good twists but is just as crazy as it feels real. Throw an Asian in a well to a get a fat zombie out? Sure, we're up for it. Or investigate an empty house by yourself to find a girl? Very smart.
Allen Gregory S01E02 - 1 Night In Gottlieb
One of the reasons I didn't feel like reviewing the first episode was because it was too focused on settling the characters. That's not a bad thing to do for a pilot but it left little room for interpretation of what the show would be about. The teaser suggested it was about this rich kid trying to fit into public school, a premise that held up so well it brought me back for a second episode. Now that the show had time to try on some new stories I'm not sure if Allen Gregory is that kind of show I hoped it would be.
November 3, 2011
Grimm S01E01 - Pilot
The show starts with a wonderfully recognizable scene that ends quite shockingly. It sets the tone for the show perfectly. It's fantastical and full of references but it's mainly grim.
The introduction of the show's detective couple works rather against me. I hate to think in stereotypes but I can't help it. The black cop is, unfortuntely, characterless. He cracks some jokes but falls short of helping our protagonist or even believing in him. Not to say our lead is interesting. He wants to propose to his girl and has a good eye but through out the rest of the episode he remains functional opposed to actually likable.
The story these characters serve, however, is good enough. Starting with the famous Red Riding Hood tale, Grimm seems to want to tackle every story the brothers wrote and put it in a contemporary setting. And though it was very easy to choose for a child/molestor setting, it worked. But more importantly, it gave us the episode's best character. The werewolf wasn't introduced very naturally (he first attacked and later invited our lead in for a drink) but his flaws, his intention to do good and his fear of being compromised made him very interesting. I actually want to see more of him than anything else.
The main problem of Grimm is that it tried to serve the audience more than anything else. Instead of focusing on characters or explaining the plot, the show went out of its way to have fight scenes, scary faces or shocking shots in it. Most of which weren't necessary for anything. Much of why the Grimm descendants should die isn't explained, for example.
I'm not extremely interested in how the show pans out but even with a bad execution, Grimm still has one of the best concepts of any crime show out there. So I might turn back in, this week. How about you?